Wednesday, August 09, 2006

unshed tears of an insane girl..

What's wrong with me? This feeling.. It is so unwelcome, yet it keeps on bugging me.. I know "it" meant no harm.. But I just can't help it.. At that very moment, I feel like crying.. and I almost did.. There were tears in my eyes, only that, I didn't let them fall.. Because, it would seem stupid and uncalled for.. I think I'm going crazy..

But really, that made me think.. What if "it" was right?.. Err.. I mean, "it" was already right.. I knew it right from the start.. And that was what makes me feel so bad.. the fact that I knew yet I did not believed it.. I built my world with lies..Stupid, Idiotic lies.. Lies, which for a long time believed was real.. My reality was a lie.. Everything was a lie.. Still, I can't help but hope that they were not..

I really hate this kind of feeling.. Akala ko, I've learn na.. I thought I am strong.. But I guess I'm wrong.. That simple truth which I've known for so long.. It broke me apart.. Especially.. To hear it from people who I hold dear to me.. SHIT!!! Why from them?.. It means nothing.. yep.. It shouldn't mean anything.. yet I got hurt.. It's like a broken tune that got stucked in my mind.. ='(.. I can't forget it.. It keeps on repeating itself..

Unshed tears of an insane girl..

Broken tune, sad melody...
daunting, taunting..


yokatta!!! I can write again.. I'll continue this poem of mine.. then I'll post it.. Byebye..


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