Friday, July 21, 2006

10 ways on how to heal a broken heart..

Hurting and broken-hearted??


10. eat lots of ice creams..

09. if you're in a diet, content yourself with just ice.. same effect, less calories..

08. indulge yourself in sweets and chocolates..

07. search for new possible 'inspirations'..

06. forget and forget!

05. cry until your tear glands burst..

04. watch mushy movies and bash their plots..

03. go out every now and then.. with different guys that is..

02. never talk about it with your friends.. you'll just tend to reminisce the past that way..

01. hurt yourself again(=p).. remember the law.. pain cancels pain..

NOTE: all of the aforementioned ways has no proven therapeutic claims.. they are all based on my own exeprience.. but hey.. there's nothing bad in trying..


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