Thursday, July 27, 2006

Proud of you!!!=)

This is written.. err.. rather typed by my ever so quiet barkada.. FABBY!!! *applaud!!applaud!!*

May 20, 2006. One significant day

10 years have passed, something’s never changed

Seems like we never left high school

Some frowned, some complained

One swore “I’ll knock their faces down”

Still, we hugged each other, excitement's spilling over

Seems like we never left this bench

Where we used to sing a happy and emo song

We sat their and together flew the past

Funny scenes and crappy ones

We teased each other, laughed at one then another

The clock is ticking; at last we left the bench

Where the nine of us fit for minutes

It’s been a while since we walked complete

Looking around, Seems like nothing has changed

Except for the sign where “Follow Me” used to hang

Robinson’s Palace at last, summer’s heat still within us

We cling at each other’s arms, afraid of jumbling with the crowd

We did some catching up, blurted “yikees” and giggles

Seems like something remained the same

Music? Movies? Nah! Love Life is what interests everybody

We’re halfway of our adventure, everything is nicely flowing

Decisions! Decisions! There and There

Made up our mind, first we’ve gone lunch

Glancing at our wristwatch, time on our clocks, it’s almost Time!

These laughs, those smiles, slowly fading

Clutching bags, useless papers…

Half of us got lucky. Other Half? Oh we’re getting tired

Heaving sighs, about to raise our white flags...

Something seems constant. Confess and Tell!

Who’s the one with the scar!?

Another 10 years went; phew! finally we passed

The movie house is quiet, full of focus and concentration

Ano daw!?” I uttered out one scene

Feeling a bit stupid, both my hands covering my face

Lights are out …ok! But someone besides me couldn’t restrain

Movies done, comfort room is crowded

Retouch! Retouch! Surely they won’t forget

Girls got to be beautiful, in case a handsome guy pass us by

Decisions! Decisions! Here and There.

Strolled for minutes, next it’s time to go home…

I still don’t want to go! 8 of you by my side

But nothing can be done unless I argue with their dads

Going home, I walked alone. My heart is bursting

I still can’t believe everything that had happened

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8… No one, really, is missing

May 20, 2006, one significant date

No one’s birthday, not even a holiday.

Just a plain trip, just a plain Gimik

May 20, 2006, one significant date

My long craved gift,

My nightly whisper to my prayers,

My wish to those bright stars,

My wish to my eighteen candles,

My dreams, my wanting feeling…

Everything… fulfilled, answered and came true

May 20, 2006, one significant date

It’s when the nine of us talked, walked and laughed

It’s a day where the nine of us are FINALLY complete

--> Waah.. I envy her.. cannot write things like this.. though inspiration has strucked.. still can't write anything.. I've been scrimping words for months now.. and all of them were senseless blabbers..

Well.. Just feel like showing it to you.. Nicely done eh!! CONGRATULATIONS FABBY!!! So proud you!!

Im feeling sentimental tonight.. Fabby if ever you're reading this.. Know what?.. I'm crying while Im reading what you wrote.. Literally crying ah.. with the tears and occasional sniffing.. I just feel so alone, neglected and taken for granted.. But.. then.. I remember.. though we don't see each other often.. We know that somehow.. If one calls "HELP!!''.. Everyone will be right by her side..

How I wish we never have to leave that bench where we all fit.. How I wish.. We can stay that way forever.. But we have to go and move on and ne?.. But we never have to let go..

Long live us.. Long live KULTO!! I need you now guys.. more than ever..='(


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