Friday, July 21, 2006

Random thoughts...

Hay naku! I dont know which is more stupid, me or life itself..

talked to Katz atlast.. after a long time.. I actually missed him so much.. Know that feeling?.. Everything's messed up, yet you cannot talk to someone because he is one of thos people who's messing your life up.. HAY!!!.. but finally.. we're talking.. not like before,, but still talking..

We talked about lot of things.. from school to work to movies to fashion and finally to boys.. hay.. i really missed that kind of bonding.. going out for dinner then fooling around.. then going to get a coffee.. then do some boy watching.. We act as if nothing bad happened between us.. I wanted to make our last day together memorable kase.. Katz will be going back to Japan next week.. this time.. for real.. so, though its hard.. i have to act normal towards him..

But.. I still haven't told him about Ryoi-chan yet.. maybe next time.. Katz kept on bugging me to tell him.. i still wont.. huh!..

Aion.. i have so many commitments this weekend.. I promised Apen that I would watch POC2(pirates of the caribbean) with him, saturday night, waah.. i've already seen the movie eh.. kaya lang i promised..='(.. then.. Would go shopping with Cecille on Sunday.. hay.. so busy.. But that's okay.. I need to distract myself kase eh.. so that i would forget bout my messed up life..='(

Sabe nga ni alu.. Go out and have some fuhn.. but when you're already home and alone.. that's the time to for you to cry.. hay..

So sleepy.. just feel like writing something before i go to sleep.. Goodnight dear readers..=)


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