Tuesday, August 22, 2006

here, there, nowhere..

Hungry. Tired. Sentimental. Freaked out. Dirty. Happy.

Those 6 words summarizes what I'm feeling right now.

Hungry, well that's not unusual. I am always hungry these days. I just ate lunch then after 30 minutes or so, my craving for food will strkie again. My stomach never seems to be contented.

Tired. I flunked my practical test today in IT104. Disassembly and Assembly of PC. Sounds easy, yeah, but we were under time pressure. And JR and I would have finished it earlier only if that stupid fan would cooperate and come off easily. We can't remove the microprocessor chip because of that stupid fan, and that's what took most of our time. I even had an injury. A skin was scraped of my finger and it hurts and it bled and.. okay I'm not going into details. After the exam Alu and I went to Robinsons Manila to pass time. We did some window shopping and some heart to heart girl talk.

And that brings me to being sentimental. We talked about so many things. Our dreams, goals, wants, everything. We talked about our personal life, how shitty it is, how it sucks, and how it still makes us happy. That talk made me think about the past and made me feel a little bit sentimental.

Next is freaked out. Yep, freaked out! We left RP at around past six. I chose to ride the jeepney instead of the LRT because it would be more convenient. Somewhere in UN avenue, a haggard looking scary man got in the jeepney and he seated himself next to me, of all places. At first I didn't paid him any attention, until he started moving towards me bit by bit. I wouldn't have minded, except that the jeepney was semi-empty. Alam mo yun, super luwag. And he still kept on moving. Everytime he move, I also move until there was no space to move onto anymore. Pilit niya pa rin ako sinisiksik. I was scared to tell him off because the man looks scary. I had my hair down so that it covers half of my face. I cannot see him directly but I can feel him moving his face an inch closer to mine. My senses turned up full gear. My heart is pumping wildly against my chest. I have the sudden urge to get off the vehicle, moving or not. It was a gut feeling. I am not usually paranoid, but his face is practically inches away from mine, I can almost feel him breathing against my hair.. I was so scared I was unconsciously gripping my crucifix ring, and praying to whomever saint there is. When I cannot take the fear anymore, when the jeepney came to a brightly lit crowded place, I called up to the driver, "Ma, sa tabi lang." Then I got off the jeepney, but not before I stepped on the foot of that perverted man and got off w/o even an uttered apology.. Hah! Revenge! Actually, I would have unboarded the jeepney minutes earlier, only if it wasn't raining so hard. But it left me no choice, raining or not, I really need to get away from that man.

And that leads me to being Dirty. Because of the rain, and because Philippines could now be dubbed as theFlooding Capital of Asia I was literally walking on mud and flood. And lucky me, I chose this day of all days to not bring my precious hush puppies- not suitable for windy and rainy season- umbrella. I was soaking wet up to my undies even before I was able to get in to another jeepney. The dirt, the grime, the rain. It made my skin so itchy and so yucky! But then, thank God, I made it home in one piece and I made it safe and sound.

And that made me really Happy. God really loves me and did not left me. He answered my senseless prayers at the jeepney and finally, I am home and nothing bad happened to me. Now, all I need is a hot long bath and it's goodnight time for me again.

Hah! I really need a bath now. Then I'm off to dreamland. Zzzzzz...


At 9:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep on telling you not to go home late! You should've texted me! Pwede naman kita sunduin.


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