Thursday, September 13, 2007

I must be SPECIAL

I must be VERY SPECIAL!!! Want to know why? Because SOME people just keeps on HURTING ME. Well, at least that's what they think.

Sorry guys! But I'm not in the least affected by your idiocies. I mean, HELLO!! what you are doing is so high school! GROW UP! Do the whole world a BIG favor, stop your useless TANTRUMS.

Okay, I was not completely honest with that when I said I wasn't affected. Well, of course I was, BUT NOT ANYMORE. I realized, why would I let myself get hurt and feel bad because I was betrayed by a 'friend' when all along that friend is not a true friend. And I shouldn't get affected because I am not the one who LOST something here. And also I have no time being the weepy PROTAGONIST who always feel miserable until the end of the story. I'd rather be the ANTAGONIST and the BAD GUY, at least that way people will know that I AM STRONG although I would be the bad guy of the story.

I'm starting to type nonsense here and I guess you are not even interested to read this nonsense in which you cannot even relate.

My heart and mind is just do full or negative energies right now and I need an outlet to let it all out. Next post would be a cheerier one I promise. =)

*note: WAA! Tigers are wounded by the HORNS of the Tamaraws. Stand up TIGERS and pick up your THOMASIAN PRIDE. Devour those Tamaraws the next time you meet them. Maybe not this season but on the next and the others to come.


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