Saturday, August 25, 2007

a cup of coffee

Two old best friends plus a cup of coffee plus a dozen of stories is equal to a very pleasurable experience.

Just finished my prelims today. I was glad I was able to make it through alive.=p.. I mean, studying is not that easy, and everyone cannot say no to that. Some may find studying great and pleasurable but no one can say that studying is easy because if they that it is, I think they are not studying enough.

Anyway, as I have mentioned, I just finished my last set of preliminary exams today and so as to celebrate it, I went out with Mika. Nothing wild, just had a cup of coffee and lots of stories to tell.

It's been so long since Mika and I 'talk' talked, you know with all those secrets and all. Yeah, we see each other often inside the University but it is just the casual 'hi/hello' thingie between acquaintances. BUT we're not just acquaintances, WE ARE BEST FRIENDS! But with our oh-so hectic schedule, we don't have enough time to share secrets, talk about like, boys, and everything there is to tell, we just have to content ourselves with at least that kind of interaction. And because of that, we really miss each other so much.

So as to make up with all those times and stories we miss, we planned a little get together. Unfortunately, Din wasn't able to come. So it's just me and Mika and our own cups of coffee.

We talked about a lot of things, about life, school, studies, friends and mostly about boys.
It's a very nice experience. At least through that, we know that we still have that special spot in each others heart because we can still tell one another secrets that we dare not tell our other friends.

And that is true friendship, despite the distance, literally and figuratively, we still manage to keep them special and keep ourselves special to them. Friendship isn't about distance or time, but it is all about the trust you give to your friend, and not bothering to take away that trust even though you don't see or talk to each other that often anymore. Also, true friends wont tell you what you want to hear rather they'll tell you what you really need to hear. And I am so grateful that I have more than enough true friends to last me a life time.

We also talked about the differences between high school life and college life. The changes we have willingly undergone and those we were forced to undergo. And we both changed. Changed more than what think. I was just so glad that even though we changed and became more different from each other than before, it didn't weaken our friendship, if anything else, it strengthen our bond. Because those differences is what makes us best of friends. I was happy because at that moment I didn't have to do anything just to please Mika because with her I can just be my true self. No pretentions. Just plain Vetzky. And that still makes me special to her.

Then I asked her,

"why is it that in high school friends that you can really call true friends are just like 'dog'-sh*ts scattered on the road? You can practically find them anywhere. And why in college they are as elusive as hell?"

I am not saying that I don't find my friends now as true friends. It's just that they are so few and very hard to find. I am not a perfect friend but I can say that I am a true friend and I don't pretend. Because if I don't want to be a friend to you, You'll feel it. I am never good with words. So I get disappointed, very disappointed when I meet people who are so good at pretending. Pretending to be a true friend when actually they are not. I also know where my loyalty lies.

And I think Mika's answer to my question was the best answer any one could give.

"True friends are really hard to find. Especially now in college where people are not even true people. But if you are still looking and you don't find any, just think of this. You have so many true friends now. Maybe you don't see them very often or are not always by your side. But that doesn't change the fact that they are true to you. If your friends right now can't be true to you, then just be true to them. True friendship is like love, freely given without expecting something in return. Anyway it's their loss. Not knowing to whom they should give their loyalties to."

A friend may not be a true friend to me but that doesn't stop me from being a true friend to her. I get affected easily especially when it comes to issues about friendship. And Mika knows that very much. So she said that I should not let them affect me. And for the nth time in my life. I would listen to her. I may be older in month but Mika is a much more mature thinker. So, even though I am a bit 'immature', that's okay, because I am so surrounded with so many mature friends who'll guide me along the way of maturity.

Nothing, as in nothing really beats bonding with your best friends each with a cup of coffee in their hands.

I LOVE YOU KULTO, DIANE and MIKA! We may not be there for each other in times of trouble, it doesn't matter because we don't have to be. Those times are for our 'friends' to make a heroic rescue.
We are best friends and best friends are there when we are in DEEP trouble, the time when all of those so-called 'friends' abandon us. Best friends don't have to do a heroic rescue. Just being by each other's side is fine. When I'm with you, everything becomes PERFECTLY fine.
Just like a cup of coffee during a very bad weather.


At 5:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've been finding that best friends aren't simply the people you see everyday and hang out with, but the people you would do anything for. sometimes you both have to set aside time to chat but that just shows how important the friendship is because you're willing to invest in it.

coffee is the best way to spend time with someone! funny that your best friend's name is mika, mine best friend's name is micah :)

At 8:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

my best friend's name is tewp. and we've been together for ten years. :) we rarely see and talk with each other but really, to me, he is something. though he's not around, i still feel like his presence is. ahh i can't put it into words. and coffee!! we love having some whenever we see each other, it just makes us relax, the sight of one another, a cup of coffee (sometimes with a smoke XD), and it would be great if it were raining outside. x) lol i wish best luck to you and your best friend! ^^

At 11:59 PM , Blogger ahnjellie said...

I have a gal bestfriend for almost seven years and we don't get to see each other that much but we make it a point that we atleast go home together from time to time... text messages here and there for communicationg and stuff. :P catch up on things... heehee...

We really haven't spent much time together since college started but it's really nice when we do find time for each other... and I find it neat that among all her friends, she still comes to me when she needs me and has her problems...

I used to have a guy bestfriend too... if he was still here for me, it should've been err... roughly five years but unfortunately, we went different paths once we've stepped into college. Sad, I know.

Presence may not be a big deal but I still believe that communicationg does a lot. (Yes, this is what I could say... something from experience. It's not exactly delightful knowing I've lost someone along the way.) Hugs and kisses to all our bestfriends!!! LOL

^so gay. HaHA.


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