Friday, August 03, 2007

I am still LOVED

I'm SO HAPPY!! Hahaha.. Sir Mark commented on my friendster account..

Yeah I know, it's so shallow. But hey, can you blame me? I've been ogling after Sir Mark too, all summer. Well, next to Sir Chiechan that is.. For some idiotic reason, I still like Sir Chiechan more. Hmm. When will he knock his head off on a wall and realize that I'm the one for him? JUST KIDDING.=p

I'm so glad that something this shallow could still make me happy. At least Sir Mark made an effort to drop a few lines.. hahaha.. These past few days, I've been brooding over many things.. Like, why don't I ever get contented and how my life sucks. So, me being happy over something like this, it's refreshing to know that I am not yet that cynic in life..

That's all. Just want to preserve this memory. I happen to suffer from a short-term memory syndrome and because I don't check y friendster account very often, I would like to write something about this happy event. Anyway I check my blog more often that I check my friendster account.

And uhm, guys, I think I'll be in hiatus again. Being a graduating student is SO exhausting. Projects here and there , and the thesis,, it's sucking the life out of the students.

Well, again, before I forget, I happen to write something simple for all my batch-mates in USTHS.. This is a 2am composition/drabble.. so no flaming please..=D.. no title yet by the way..

Tears, jeers, laughters and sighs
Hellos, gossips and sad goodbyes
Mixed emotion of sorrows and joys
Uttered words with trembling voice.

Throats are blocked, silence prevailed
Fighting the tears but sadly failed
Traitorous feelings, cannot be contained
No matter how hard all restrained.

Dressed in whites and yellows and blacks
All stood up and turned their backs
Minds are set, all walked away
Regrets in their hearts because no one can stay

The music begun, all stood in line
Turning their heads, checking if everything is fine
The first one moved and started to march
Followed by one then another while others watch

Everyone is settled that singing begun
Different emotions, combined by the melody as one
And now that the music is about to end
All are with tears and laughters, a curious blend

Everything stopped and about to change
And it took nothing but...
..a couple of hours
..a big step forward
..and one brave heart
Then all once cherished are now just
Memories of the past.

YEY!! It was supposed to be a graduation gift to all my friends back in highschool. But I wasn't able to write it then.. Hahaha.. Maybe this will serve a double purpose maybe it can also be a graduation gift to my friends now in college.. Writing this poem, it makes me sentimental. Hahaha..

I remember our last day as high school students (aka GRADUATION DAY), it was so early I wasn't able to eat a single bite for breakfast. Not that I was so hungry, in fact my stomach is churning so much (maybe due to too much excitement) I can't get anything past it. We had our graduation ceremony at PICC, but the assembly was at school. I remember everyone was so excited, I saw Kulto and we are all chatting about how excited we are. What a complete contradiction the environment is before and after graduation. Before, we're all giddy with excitement but after the ceremony almost every one is in tears and scared. Scared of what may happen to us in the future now that we are out of the safe bounds of high school.

Well, that was in the past. The what if's then have answers now, but it's a cycle. After finding an answer another set of questions will come thru. Now, we have new what if's. Hmm, what will happen to me once I'm outside the real world. You know the cruel world where only those with determination make it to the end succesful. I want to have that kind of determination. The kind that will take me to end with flying colors.

Wish me luck guys! I wish you luck too!=)


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