Saturday, July 28, 2007

Flirting 101 (part 2)

"Master the art of flirting, and you could never go wrong"

Disclaimer: dear readers, all mentioned here are product of my own partial and unofficial way of thinking. So please, no filing of any legal cases if somehow you find all these things offensive.

Due to insistent 'friendship' demand and as a result of the UN- popularity of my previous post entitled "On Flirting", I was forced to do a more extensive research on other kinds of flirts.

And after a long run of surveys, interviews and researches. Here I am, presenting to you the product of my 'self-proclaimed' hard work. My "so-called" masterpiece.

A new added list to my collection of flirts.

Okay before you continue on reading, please be sure that you have read the disclaimer, OKAY?!

Technical Flirts

Technically speaking, technical flirts are, erm.. well technical. (oHKAY! That was quite redundant).. Oh well, technical flirts are those kind of flirts that uses all the available techie gadgets he/she could get his hands on to flirt. For example, thru chatting or texting or emails, he uses this technology to exercise his flirting wiles. The only drawback here is, there would be no way of finding out if the other party is seriously flirting or just 'flirting' flirting(you know for fun). Also, people who uses this kind flirting technique can have split-personalities. That means they can only be flirts when hiding behind technical gadgets, but when come face to face with their 'preys', they lost it all. All the "I think you are hot!", ""You always remind me of something nice", and all those flirting lines they use when flirting thru text maybe turn into a shy "hi, the weather's nice, don't you think?" when they see their 'prey' in person. Also, there is no way of distinguishing technical flirt among a crowd so there is really no distinction with these kind.

Automatic Flirts

I think the title speaks for itself. There is no specific time to flirt for these kind. What I mean is, every chance they get they flirt. It is so automatic. There is no on/off button to them. Whenever they see prospective 'preys' they flirt with, their flirting program automatically switches on, and if ever they find these 'preys' boring along the way of flirtation the program automatically switches off. These kind are like natural flirts (see "On Flirting" ), their mastery of the art of flirting is beyond perfection. Well, that should be that way or else they would be automatic flirts for nothing. I mean how can they no if their prospect are worthy of being flirted with if they have not flirted for years and mastered the skill. And also, these flirts are very effective flirts. VERY EFFECTIVE.

Defective Flirts

If we have automatic flirts which are VERY EFFECTIVE, then we also DEFECTIVE FLIRTS. These are the kind of flirts that no matter what flirting style(a/n: which would be research upon and would be the next "so-called" masterpiece) they use, nothing still works. I mean, they still are not effective flirts. All their flirting efforts just go to waste because nobody notices it or just simply nobody cares whether they are flirting or not. These defective flirts maybe wearing a super thick jacket and carrying a large umbrella when God scattered skill on flirting to the world. No matter how much they study the art of flirtation they just can't get it. And these kind of flirts when push to its extreme level turns to the next kind of flirt I am going to discuss.

Desperate Flirts

Desperate Flirts evolves from Defective Flirts. Since defective flirts always fail no matter what they do. They resort to drastic measure which make them desperate. At this point, they would do anything and everything under the sun just to be able to make even on 'prey' fall for their fall for their flirting skills. Anything to convince anyone that they know how to flirt. Flirting is not really hard, it's just that some people are just too dense to know how to flirt.

Jester Flirts

Can also be called 'make-believe' flirts. Makes their 'prey' believe that they are flirting with them 'for real' but once the 'prey' have fallen for it then BOOM these jester flirts would start taking of their mask and start showing their true colors. These flirts are those kind that only flirt for fun and with one goal to pursue, and that goal is to play around with those 'prey' they flirt with. This description may make them sound like they are bad guys and the worst flirt ever, but in reality they are not. They may be hurting lots of people by their carefree attitude in flirting but they really mean no harm. They just think that what they are doing is amusing for both them and their 'preys'.

Versatile Flirts

Or 'shape-shifter' flirts. In flirting, the same style of flirting cannot be used on different kinds of 'preys'. I mean one style can be effective to 'prey#1' but not to 'prey#2'. Flirts must learn different styles of flirting to be effective. And these versatile flirts, I can say have mastered, if not all, most of the styles and have the ability to shift from one style to another with just the snap of the finger. These kind can very well adapt to changes. For example, versatile flirt is flirting with 'prey#1' he is using the Passive flirting style(to be discussed soon) but this style when used to 'prey#2' is not effective so versatile flirt must change style, and he can do it in an instant you wont even notice it. He is also very competent in various style of flirting.

Promiscuous Flirts

Well, for me these are the worst kind of flirts. We have nasty flirts, but promiscuous flirts are the worst. At least nasty flirts attack their 'preys' one at a time. And they observe the proper decorum in flirting, which is no "No flirting with someone who is already flirting with another." But promiscuous flirts, they flirt with everybody. Like, "Oh there is a guy, I'll flirt with him", then "there is another guy I'll flirt with him too.", then "oh there is this cute guy flirting with my friend, need to flirt with him too." And all those flirting happens all at the same time.

That's it! Another set of flirts. If you did not find yourself categorized on any of the type of flirts I have posted before, I hope you'll be able to do it in this one. Uhm, unless you are not a flirt (or so you say). Again, this is facts are self-fabricated by me and there are no approved theoretical claims. But if you somehow find them correct, thank you.

So, what kind of flirt are you?=p


At 1:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

love the part about the technical true!

At 1:26 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

interesting interesting =p

but i don't think i'm any of those. i don't know what kind of flirt i am. hahah.

At 11:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

can we link exchange? (:


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