Sunday, February 18, 2007

On Flirting...

"Who needs boyfriends if it keeps you from flirting?:P"

Everyone are born flirts. There are the Natural flirts, harmless flirts, indifferent flirts, discrete flirts and of course the nasty flirts.

Now, let me state my theories on their differences.

For Natural Flirts;

These are the kind of flirts who are inborn with flirtatious guiles. There is an art for flirtation and it needs to be learned. These natural flirts do not need any lessons on this kind of art. They have already mastered it even before they were born. Every action they make, every word the say it is an expression of flirtation, and it can either be on purpose or not.

For Harmless Flirts;

Every human being is a sociable creature. It is in our nature to socialize with others. We do that in order to either gain their favor ar their attention. And in order to socialize with other individuals, one must know how to flirt. Because flirting is a way to mingle with others. But unlike Natural flirts these harmless flirts still have to study the proper decorum in flirting. Or else their harmless flirtation may bother to being nasty and disturbing.

For Indifferent FLirts;

Indifferent Flirts, are the kinds of flirts who are already bordering from harmless flirtation to nasty flirtation but doesn't give a damn. Like Natural flirts, flirting for them is part of their system but whether it is harmless or not, they don't care. They don't also care for the outcome of their flirting and that makes them indifferent.

For Discrete Flirts;

Ever heard "nasa loob ang kulo", these flirts are the perfect example for that phrase. They have already mastered the art of discrete flirting, wherein they are already flirting but their preys don't notice until they have already fallen for the trap. These discrete flirts are the best, because they can be a combination of all the kinds of flirts. They can either be natural, harmless, or indifferent. That makes them exceptional.

For Nasty Flirts;

Do I need to say more? Nasty flirts are erm, well,, hmm,, NASTY flirts. They flirt day-in day-out, open to public and with no hint of discretion. These kind of flirts are the kind that is often misjudged and hated.

Uhm.. Well, everything I've mentioned above are just my theories. And they may not be proven theories for that matter so please don't sue me. It is just based on my own judgment.

So, what kind of flirt are you? =)

*note: SHIN I'M SO SORRY!!!*


At 12:08 AM , Blogger ahnjellie said...

which one am I? I have no IDEA. AhaHahAh *JudgeMe*


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