Tuesday, June 19, 2007

YOU really have to read this..

Okay I'll be straight to the point.

This is with regards to my previous post, "On the throes of my anger.."

First of all, I wont apologize to anyone for anything. Except to a friend whom I've hurt intentionally. I think the fault should be laid at my door for not being specific on whom I am pertaining to and thus, unintentionally hurting someone.

But then, I also think that I shouldn't also be the only one to take all the blame. For those who have read my post, either you cared or not, or think that what I wrote was for you. Well, you could've at least asked me or talked to me before assuming. Because frankly speaking, ALL OF YOU'RE ASSUMPTIONS ARE WRONG!!!!!

Do you think I would be that stupid to post something negative about someone when I know that that someone could read it? That is too much risk for me to take.

Okay, before I started blogging, I promised to myself that I won't mention names, but this issue has gone too far.

to ALU, I apologize. Sincerely. I mean no harm. I didn't mean to hurt you, and you know that. I hope you do.

to LUBERT, it wasn't for you. You were not the HIM I mentioned. How can I hate you when you are so loved dearly by my friend?

to JOVEN, okay maybe we have some misunderstandings, but the HIM wasn't definitely you.


I hope that would clear things up. I won't mention names anymore. And I guess it is also not my obligation or whatsoever to disclose to you the guy/s I was pertaining to in my previous post. Whoever they are, they have nothing to do with you..

I think I've learned a very imortant lesson in this. NEVER EVER POST ANYTHING I WROTE WHEN I AM SO ANGRY and BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE.

Damn it! I always get misunderstood, don't I?


At 5:29 PM , Blogger ahnjellie said...



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