Tuesday, May 29, 2007

a product of frustration...

It's been a while since I last updated.. hmm.. So many have happened and so much have changed..

**naku, ayaw talaga mag-function ng utak ko!!!**

I want to write, about anything.. poems, short stories, essays, articles.. whatever.. i just want to write..

I miss writing, I miss the ideas coming into my head one after the other, I miss the was those ideas magically turn themselves into words, I MISS THE WRITER IN ME!!!

It's been so long since I've written something worth reading, it was months ago I guess..

I'm getting frustrated, really.. I want to write, something, just anything. But I can't squeeze anything from my good for nothing brain. It's been stagnant for so long, maybe that's why all I can form are jumble of undecipherable words, that doesn't make sense even to me.

ANYWAY.. Yan, its raining! Since I self-proclaimed that rain is my muse and inspiration, let's see if I can produce something.. err.. just something..



It was staring back at me..
The very image of a lucid insanity.

Illuminated by the moon,
Quintessence of an imperfect perfection.

Melancholic eyes,
Shining and Bright
Suffering and Pained.

A face streaked with
A mask of grief,
Tortured anguish.

Silhouetted in the dark
An abyss of bizzare tribulation.

The once smiling face,
Now, an epitome of agony.

I wanted to lift that sorrow
That unspeakable woe
From your eyes.

But how?

I tried reached out,
Wiped your tears.
Take away the sadness.

My hands never touched
Your face.

The water stirred,
Your image blurred.

My reflection


Uhm, well.. how was that for a 2-minute composition?

Hmm.. D*mn, it sucks!! This just proves that I still can't write.. The writer in me is still on a vacation and with no definite date of return or if it is still going to come back..

Well, I just hope that it would come back.. I can't live without the 'WRITER ME' within me.. I want her back..

Writing is my only consolation whenever i feel bad.. It is my only outlet, the only way to let all those traitorous emotions out. So without the WRITER in me, I just don't know how I will be able to cope with everything.. And without that vital part of me, I become a changed person. I become someone else, someone I dont know and someone i dont like, DEFINITELY!!

Well, that's all for now. I hope, the next time I update my blog, the WRITER ME would be back and I would be back to my old self.. cOZ' i MISS THE VETZKY WHO USED TO BE THE IMAGE I SEE IN THE MIRROR STARING BACK AT ME.


At 10:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right dearie!

I don't know you anymore. You've changed. And I don't think that it is a good change.

I wonder what happened. And why you don't talk about it.

Please bring the Vetzky I know back. I miss her terribly.

I hope you wont get offended my dear. But what I say is true. And there is no other best person to tell you this than me. You've really changed Yvette. And I just wish you would tell me what compelled you to undergo this drastic change.

I'm still here Vetzky, don't take it all up to yourself. Share it with me. We may not see each other or may not talk as often as we used to, but I want to remind you. I AM STILL HERE.

At 12:53 AM , Blogger Vetzky said...

hey! how's my best boy-pal!!?

I wish I knew what happened too! I mean, the feeling is mutual my friend! i dont know myself too, not anymore..

And what's so frustrating is, I can't seem to find me, I am lost somewhere unreachable..


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