Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Certified GEEK and AIRHEAD combined

OHKAY!! Now I am already a certified

aspiring-lawyer/ suicidal-teen/

Now, how's that for a complete turn of events, eh?

What I mean is, I was once a happy-go-luck, don'-t care as long as I pass, loves-cramming individual. Well, I still love to cram, but I am able to balance "cramming-time" and "flirting-time", but now, I cannot do both at the same time. Me and my ever so trusty computer have been bonding for numerous number of hours now, since I started doing all my school requirements.

I didn't envision my life like this, staring at the computer almost all day computing, typing, forming algorithms, encoding 'codes', all those stuffs that I hated doing back in high school. I wanted to be a lawyer/writer. I want to write novels, defend cases, and all those things. I hate math, I don't want to do things related to programming, well, I want to create some multimedia stuffs from time to time, but that doesn't require complicated programming like what we are doing now.

Let's do the math please, if I hated programming so much, why the heck did I end up taking a computer-related course that is full of crappy numbers that could last me a life time?

I've been doing our case study for Systems Analysis and Designs for almost 2 months now.. And I'm still far from what most people call "DONE" which I call "DOOM". Our defense would be on Thursday, same day with the defense in OS (another helluva programming project).

Sometimes, well, most of the time, I can't help but wonder If I did the right thing in choosing Information Technology. When I was in high school kase, I always get good, if not very good grades in all of my computer classes. (I am not bragging guys! It's true!) That's how simple, and easy and so outdated computer classes were back then. So I thought,

"Hey! If get grades this good, then maybe if I take any computer-related course,
I might excel and maybe be a cumlaude someday!"

See, how confident I was? And now, where does that confident have taken me? To my eternal perdition. I would've foreseen that college life is much more complicated than high school and should have taken a course wherein I'm really interested (Literature or Journalism perhaps), only if I wasn't so effing STUPID and PROUD and a COMPLETE AIRHEAD!!

Oh how I wish I could turn back time and choose another course/career to pursue. I dont want this kind of life, It is like I have already married my computer. ='(

WELL, enough of these rants. I see no sense in it anyway. What's done is done, all I could do is make the most out of this 'whatever' I have now. Actually, I'm not being honest with myself, when I typed in every rant above. With all honesty and amazement, I am actually starting to enjoy this course, well except for a few things here and there. My, my, my.. My mind is so chaotic and contradictory, one moment I am ranting bout my stupid course and now I am saying that I am starting to enjoy it..

Forgive me guys and please don't sue me. Maybe this is just the effect of 1 straight week of sleeplessness due to SAD-ness "SYSTEMS ANALYSIS and DESIGN-ness"

And uh-ahm.. I know I have committed lots of grammatical, typographical, logical, physical, medical, social ERRORS here, again, I ask for forgiveness. I have no time rereading my post, I dont even have the time to type in a post, I just made slight adjustments =D.. Anyway, this is a blog post, a uh-uhm.. sorta diary.. So I think it needs no rereading, re-editing, etc..

OHKAY!! Back to SAD-ness mode.. Ja'


At 10:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

can the world get any "stupider" (own term)

I think you made the right decision in IT. Though there are a few failures here and there, I can see it dear, you were born for IT. No matter how much you despise programming and claim that you dont have the mind to think logically, I know you better than that Vetzky.

I know that you love thinking, hai, you love to read books and you have a talent for memorizations. When I talent, it is the way you put all those facts in your mind kahit na you've just read the book. But you prefer thinking than just memorizing right? You like it when you are faced with a mind boggling logical problem.

You see patterns, when all I see are scraps.. You find solutions, when all I can find are more problems..

You chose IT and you made the right choice. You're just not concentrating enough. Don't give up now my dear special friend. I'll be cheering on you! =D

At 10:19 PM , Blogger Vetzky said...

waa Katz, I wish you are right.. How come you know me better than I know myself? hmm..

Oh right! That is because you are my best,best,best FRIEND in the whole wide world.. huhuhu..

I just wish, as in truly wish, that I could concentrate more on my studies and forget about trivial matters that surprisingly dont even matter..

Katz dear, when will you be back?=(

At 2:33 PM , Blogger ahnjellie said...

aww... I did great in my com subs back in HS as well. One friend of mine even got annoyed at one point coz even if I didn't study and it so happens that she did... I'd still do better (than her) on the periodical exams. HaHaHa. It's like being great with no effort at all. That's why I so wanted IT too... so is there any chance that if I went with IT instead of ECE, I would be feeling the same way that you do now?

Well I guess your situation is better, coz me?! I have no helluvan idea of what I went in to. Only dad wanted ECE for me and I don't even know what it ish all about. I wanted IT so badly (other than the english-related courses that we both want as well) its my second choice, considering that dad wanted ECE so that was top priority. I passed it o'corz... but I went with ECE anyways, I really wonder... if I entered IT, would I be feeling the same way that you do now?

Maybe this interest-related thing is one of the reasons of my flunking grades. This sucks.

But... that is still better, at least you took a course that somehow expressed, "I'd excel in this one" but me?! oh damn. "what the heck happened?"

Other than IT, I wanna take English Literature or Mass Communications... Journalism'd do but I'm more on creative writing...

aww miss vetzky... we'll push through!!! go!!! just think of it... in this way, just another more year... another freakin year... and it will soon be better! :P me? oh I've got more ahead of me. AhAHaHAHAHA

At 8:14 PM , Blogger Vetzky said...

yeah.. you're right.. just one more year of sleeplesness.. I just wish i could get out oof this alive and in one piece..

you can do it jelai.. know you can..:d


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