Wednesday, February 21, 2007


"What if some IDIOT invents an end for FOREVER?"

According to dear ol' Mr. Webster,

FOREVER means;
1. without ever ending; eternally.
2. continually; incessantly; always.
1. an endless or seemingly endless period of time.

Based on the meaning, the word forever is already in its superlative form, why? because it is already in its infinite state.

So, what if someone promised you,

"I'll love you forever and a day more"

then does that sentence already surpassed superlative? How do you count forever and a day anyway? And could someone really love a person for that long?

I've been falling in and out of love constantly, sometimes I even mistake my infatuation for love. Of course, the love I feel for my family is different from the love I have for my friends and a whole lot different from the love I have for that someone.. uhm.. I love..

Falling in love with someone other than my family and friends is something I've constantly done before. I fall easily, just make me feel that I am special. But not anymore.

Like in a falling object, when something falls so fast from a considerable height, with no one or nothing to catch it when it hits the ground it may either be crushed to millions of tiny pieces or it may survive the fall but one thing's for sure, when it hits the ground with the impact so fast, the pain would be excruciating. But if the falling down is slow, whether someone would catch it or not, pain would still be present but not as painful as falling down with fast impact.

So, now I prefer to fall more slowly. I might get hurt in the end, I know that but at least it wont be as painful as falling so fast. Because falling slowly, I can put many things into considerations, think about them, deliberate, reflect and if I find the falling not worthy, I would still have time to ready myself, soften the blow or call for help.

I was normally a risk taker, and I would still be. But as of now, I think I have taken too much risks than what I can afford, so for now, I would have to lie-low on taking risks or I might regret something in the end.

Now, back to the "I'll love you FOREVER and a DAY"..

So what if this sentence has surpassed its superlative form? I can see nothing wrong with that. Because if someone can love us longer that forever, then that would be great. How I wanted to be loved as long as that... As long as eternity..

I think, someone could really love a person for that long.. Especially, if the falling into that love took a long time.. Points were considered, problems were reflected on and solutions were provided. It may have taken a long time, but the foundation built is strong for sure.. And with strong foundation, Forever and a day is possible..


At 12:16 PM , Blogger ahnjellie said...

why the heck did you take that statement so seriously?! (x_x); HaHaHaHa...

Falling so slow lengthens the agony. BLAH. I don't believe in "Forever" no one can do that. That's why there's "'till death do us part" and all that crap.

I've seen couples come and go. Take my parents as a freakin example, mum died, dad gets a new honey. Ain't that a tad bit sweet? NOT.

Me... me, I've fallen once and have even said to myself that I'll love that person FOREVER. Unfortunately, I've fallen out of this so-called love... and I hate it.

That's why "ayoko ng magsalita ng tapos..." no one knows the future. Things aren't certain. The only thing constant is change.

Oh so bitter...

At 1:43 PM , Blogger Vetzky said...

well, to each of her own.. I didn't said that I'll be loving someone forever pa naman eh.. not yet..=)

I've also seen couples break up, an I also have my family as an example. my parents have gone separate ways and each have someone new now..

But that doesn't keep me from living my life as a fairytale believing that there is still a happily ever after for me..


At 10:48 PM , Blogger ahnjellie said...

reaction time! parang inde magkasama kanina eh noh?! hahaha

"I didn't said..."
--> isn't that supposed to be "I didn't say" ...? :P

aww... sad to hear about reality... still... life is no fairytaile... and there surely are no happily ever afters...

le'see where your optimism will take you... (and where my pessimism will take me... as well)

*bitter* SETSUNAI...


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