Thursday, November 23, 2006

Free from hiatus!!

I am so f*cking great!! I have finally broken free of hiatus.. That barren cold state where I can write nothing but senseless blabbers!! Finally Im free!!!

I dont know what inspired me to write again. Something just clicked. And a minute after, I am already wrting down my rampaging thoughts, and then I did a little sorting out, organizing and VOILA! I've written my very first poem in one year hiatus!! YEY!!

hmm.. Looking back.. this is a very, very, very disappointing week. Damn OS.. I think its not the professor, after all that have been said and done, I realized, it was me. I am not doing my damn best to fish myself out from the quick sand of disappointment. And it's frustrating me. I want to do my best, and I don't know what's keeping me from accomplishing that. Sometimes, I wonder if I really chose the right path to take, am I really for I.T.? Can I finish these course? What if instead of I.T. I chose nursing? Is is too late to shift? So many questions, none answered. But then again, I said to myself, it was I who chose this, and it is up to me to make the most out of it. And instead of fretting over and over again, why don't I just set my priorities and goals and do my damn best to keep them, achieve them.

i'm not getting any younger, and I have to face that fact. I can't always depend on others to do things for me, I have to do them on my own. And I think I should start now. I can do this, I know I can!!

Enough of that! At least for now, I am happy. The old me has come back and I can wirte again!! Yey!!


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