Saturday, October 04, 2008

21 things = 21 years of living

Got the idea from Laarni's blog. Posting 21 things I did before I turned 21.

It's kinda cool really. Looking back, I realized that I've done so many things that I should be proud of yet I did not appreciated them then. I've also done things that I should be ashamed of. Things that I have no control over. So many things. Let me share to you 21 things I've done before. =D

Let my list begin...=D


1.) Got a VERY big SCAR in my right thigh when I crashed into our 'platera' (a cabinet, made of glass, that is used for keeping plates, etc). If I remember it right I was 5, my Mom told me to call her when I hear the kettle whistle (we were in Pampanga) so there, when the kettle whistled I ran to her and for some reasons, I crashed into our platera. I dont remember the exact details, but I'm pretty sure it was not in the way, it was place somewhere in the corner of the dining area. I had lots of wounds all over my body but the biggest wound was in my thigh, a big slash. I still have the scar until now. I can show it to you sometime if you want.=D

2.) Met my 1st best friend on my first day in my first school. I was a nursery student, I was a brat. I was crying nonstop while not letting go of my Mom. It was our flag ceremony then, I was crying so hard I was not listening nor participating in the flag ceremony. Then there was this girl in front of me, in fairness to her, she really exerted the effort to raise my hand during the 'Panatang Makabayan' and everytime I put it down, she raises it again and again and again. She never left my side in the classroom although our surnames are far apart (seats are arranged by surnames) and that's how I met Cielo Vitug, my very first best friend.

3.) Cried over an IMAGINARY BOYFRIEND. Got stucked. And just finally moving on.

4.) Went to Tagaytay with my college friends just days before our graduation. I didn't told my parents, of course. They wont let me, they have this belief that graduating students are accident magnets. But in my case, I dont have to be a graduating student to be an accident magnet.=D. Lots of drinks, ghost hunting, spicy canton, swimming and more drinks..=D

5.) 1 week straight of NO SLEEP = 48 hours comatose. Hahaha.. Yep, I slept 48 hours straight. No waking up, err.. maybe that's an exaggeration. I just get up to eat, take a bath then sleep again.=D <- buhay baboy

6.) Fall in and out of love at least 10 times already, with different guys. =D. Well, its a vice we cannot help but get addicted to once experienced, More heady than drugs, hotter than alcohol.=D

7.) Joined the volleyball team but was NEVER able to make a return and ALWAYS got hit by the ball straight in the face. After my first game, I never played again.=D. I'm contented being in the sides cheering.

8.) Got cornered by a group of girls. Cried. Was called "traydor". For the reasons I didn't do.

9.) Learned to ride a 2-wheel bike on a very steep slope. In our subdivision, there is a steep slope in the entrance. My friends told me that I'll learn faster if they pushed me from the top. Yes, I did learn, I learned how to ride a bike the FAST and HARD way. Also had bruises and wounds for a BONUS.

10.) Hated someone for my life's worth. Bullied that someone. And forced him to switched schools because of my bullying. After that, I feel like the MOST WRETCHED creature on earth.

11.) Never been kissed. Never been touched. HONESTLY>=D

12.) My first out of town with just my friends was in Baguio. Was really surprised when my parents allowed me to go. Had so much fun. Also my first time to be introduced to 'tequila'. Hahaha. Dashelle and I were able to finish the bottle, but swear we didn't got drunk.

13.) Attended 2 weddings in two separate but consecutive months. My parents' weddings. =D

14.) Went to school using crutches. I make a hobby out of falling (literally) and tripping. And the worst one was in my sophomore year. Both my feet were black and blue all over and they hurt like hell. We went to an ortho and I was told to use crutches if not they'll cut my feet off. Crutches? or Feet-LESS? Definitely, CRUTCHES.

15.) Was awarded BEST in CONDUCT (in our class) for the first and last time.=D Hmm, I wonder why that wasn't repeated?

16.) Been thru a lot of job interviews and was always asked, "may boyfriend ka ba?". I don't know if that has anything to do with my hiring process, but the question was always a part of all my interviews. hmm I wonder why...

17.) In line with no.15, got in Globe Telecoms as 1 of the 24 IT Cadets Batch 6. The Cream of the crop CRAP. hahaha. So proud of our batch.=D. So happy to be a ka-globe. Connected24ever.. hahaha..

18.) Finished 1 whole bottle of vodka ON MY OWN. And after that?? Oh well, I woke up in the bathroom, half-naked, with bruises and wounds all over my body. HEY NOTHING BAD HAPPENED... Just to clarify something to dirty minds out there..=D,, I just happen to do some crazy stuffs, like diving in the hard ground which explains the wounds and bruises. And about the half-nakedness, oh well I happen to had this urge to pee and then not able to make it out of the CR conscious..=D..never drinking with the WRONG set of people ever again.

19.) Dived in the pool drunk and wearing satin pajamas. Got out, had some more drinks then dived again.

20.) Have at least 4 wounds in my body that needed stitches. 2 in my head, 1 in my stomach and 1 in my leg. I am not CLUMSY, i just attract accident that's all.=D

21.) Know that I am so blessed to have two pairs of loving, supportive parents, a set of loyal, true friends and a job that I enjoy so much.


21 things are hardly enough to tell you every thing I've done in my 21 years of breathing earth's precious oxygen. I have more to tell, more to share but I'll limit it to these 21.

A few hours from now, (its 10pm in my watch) I'll be turning 21. An achievement, a defining moment. I am not a child anymore, barely a woman too. I am somewhere in between.

I had my fair-share of pains and gains. Laughters and tears. Sorrows and sighs. Maybe more than fair sometimes. But I am thankful. So thankful for all the experiences, friendship, everything.

Hay, another year has passed. Another year to come. hmm... I wonder what my another more year has in store for me?=D

Gogogo Vetzky..=D


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