Wednesday, October 11, 2006

hell week!!

Super hell week is finally over.. Yatta!!!

My birthday this year was the worse bday Ive ever had..='(.. Firstly, it fell on a hell week.. my dads been hospitalized.. my over all sleep count for the week is not more than 7hours..(damn all those projects) and many more.. Well, my consolation was I was able to celebrate my bday with kulto and with my mom..

Now, Im again at the middle of another hell week, finals week.. Milder than the week before.. Thank God.. I just feel like updating though I should be studying..

Katz is back na nga pala.. he can only stay for a week though.. So, finals week or not.. We go out every night..=p.. Yesrterday, we went to their house in Alabang to visit his mom and his ubber cute nee-chan.. Then today, we went out to eat.. We wouldve watched a movie only if my dad did not called me and ordered.. yeah, ordered, me to go home.. So, the movie just have to wait till all my exams are over..

To evaluate all the exams Ive taken, I think I did okay in all of them.. Not really great but okay..

Hay.. So sleepy.. Have to sleep now, i still have to wake up early tomorrow morning to study.. Ill elaborate more on the dates I had with Katz on my nxt post.. cant tell them all today.. i still have to study.. bye!!=p


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