Monday, February 13, 2006

hurray!! masusunog na ang eng'g!!

My dad and I went out for dinner tonight to celebrate valentines. Haha.. nagdate kame ng tatay ko. =p..

I was in the school the whole day. The first half was spent.. ergo.. wasted, waiting for our facilitator who came at around 10:45 am, and our meeting time was 8:00am. Then the other half of my day, I was at the TEM office, rushing for the e-board primer and the invites for GIQC. It wasn't a very exciting day actually, nothing out of the usual happened, except fot that little incident which almost burned Roque Ruano's building to ashes. It happened at around 3pm. RJ and me are busy rushing the e-board primer while the others are doing the 'muscle' man of TE. Outside the office, the CHe students were also busy preparing their float for tomorrow's parade. Then, all of a sudden, something sparked from the other room where the CHe students were, then there's a lot of smoke. At first, we thought it was part of the effects for their float tomorrow, Kuya even said "Kinacareer talaga nila ah", until the girls started screaming and the spark we saw earlier turned into flame. Someone shouted ."SUNOG", and that's the point when everybody started to panic. We (TE peeps) piled out of the room to see what is really happening, in short makichismis. The smoke was getting thicker by the moment. Kuya Rommel ran out carrying our trash can to fill it with water. BUti na lang, kahit nagpapanic na mabilis pa ren mas-isip ang mga students. The fire was stopped even before it reached the ceiling of the Org room, but the smoke was too thick to remain unnoticed. It already got the attention of the admin and the teachers. I went to the second floor, I can't breathe because of the smoke. I saw the professors running up the stairs. Every being in the building was alarmed. Even Dean Mabini got out of her office and checked what happened. It was an experience of a lifetime. I didn't panic but I got scared. Who wouldn't? we were all in the room next to the one that caught fire. And we have so many scattered scratch papers inside the office that if it caught fire, it would be the end of us.

After getting rid of the smoke, the CHe students packed their things and cleaned the area. We took pictures of the incident and madeg jokes out of it. Kuya Rommel even wore the suit of 'muscle' man and pretended to be a super hero who's going to save the day. It was really funny. And in no time, we were all laughing together again.

Daddy picked me up at the school because we will be dining out to celebrate the Valentines Day. We went to Makati to pick up Tita Yos then we proceeded to Greenbelt3. We had dinner in Sentro. I was so full. The food was just too much. And it was delicious too. We ate sinigang na corned beef, sounds unusual, eh? BUt its really tasty. But of all the dishes we ate the one I enjoyed the most is the desert, triple chocolate mousse. I really have weaknesses for sweet things. Then after eating, I feel so bloated so I asked daddy if we could walked around for a while. We had coffee at Figaro before going.

Im really sleepy now, but I can't sleep yet because I haven't finished the primer for e-board. So I just have to stop now and finish that effing primer so I could sleep. =)


At 9:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow...!post mo un pics! sounds fun kahit na muntik na masunog ang eng. O.o

saicho_18 : slytherin ^-^


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