Monday, January 30, 2006

my head is pounding..

Just woke up, *yawn* yet I'm still sleepy. I went to 168 today with my dad, he ask me to go with him there because he wants to buy a pirated complete copy of Jewel in the Palace (addict!)=p.. Earlier this day, I was in school together with my CWTS classmates, we were or rather they were composing an environmental song for our upcoming concert for a cause, while Jhapi, Kevs and I were doing absolutely nothing. Can you believe that, we'll be having a concert for a cause as a part of our activity in CWTS, we will be singing in front of a big crowd and we will be embarassing ourselves. Oh, this is going to be very exciting(sarcastic).

I miss my friends, especially my HS friends. I'm getting bored with college life. It's not as fun as I use to think it is. Yes, I'm having fun, but not that fun kind of fun anymore. Do you get what I mean? I'm having fun, but there's always something missing. I can't seem to get contented, It's as if I always wanted to do something else. Am I making any sense? I guess I'm just losing it.=(

Last week, I was with my college friends. Doing the usual, eating lunch together, talking, kidding around, doing nothing else except what we always do. It was fun. I was having fun, but I dont know why but it still wasn't enough.

Maybe I'm getting a little homesick for highschool. I'm missing my old ways. Maybe I'm looking for something that isn't there, maybe I really have to face the fact that college isn't highschool and I'm not in highschool anymore. I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I'm messing it up and I don't know how to fix it. I feel miserable. I can't seem to do anything right. Waah.. What should I do?

Well, I'm currently talking to Marj now. As in NOW. So I just have to cut my rantings short. Till next time..=)


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