Saturday, March 08, 2008

Confessions of a judgmental coed : Realizations

thump.thump.thump. goes her heart.

And all she did was stare at him. It's been weeks now. Whenever Maika sees Yahj, her heart always does a 360 degree somersault. NOT A GOOD SIGN.

Everyone who knows her, knows that she is harboring this secret 'desire' for Yahj, but not as intense as what she is feeling right now. She is used to 'butterflies in stomach' feelings; she can handle well her blushes; and she is very familiar with all the sudden smiles that touches her lips every time she sees Yahj. But, somersaulting hearts? It is very strange and new to her.

These past months, she and Yahj have been closer. They can already share problems and secrets with each other as if they were friends for a very long time.

Then one day, Maika dared to look at Yahj straight in the eyes, an that's when it first happened. Her heart did a 360 degree somersault and was restless as if it wanted to break free from her ribcage.

She was denying it at first. But now, she can deny it no more. Her past wounds have healed. She is ready to fall again. And fall she did.


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