Saturday, March 08, 2008

Confessions of a judgmental coed : Writer's Block

She is staring at the blank piece of paper with a pen at her hand. Maika has been tring to write something acceptable, but for some reason she's not able to produce something worth reading. It's ages since she last wrote something that passed her standards. And she's missing the feeling. The feeling of writing and the feeling of joy whenever she finishes whatever she was writing.

"Take a deep breath and write" - was what the text from him said.

And she's been doing that for hours now. But no nothing yet.Maika fiddled for her cellphone and started dialing a very familiar number. After a 'few' rings, someone finally picked up.

"Damn it Bang! I can't write a f*cking thing!" and she hung up.

4, 5 seconds passed; her phone started ringing. It was Bang. And he was pissed.

All she needed was a damn good scolding from Bang to make her explode. She's feeling shitty whole week. Bang commented on her being so childish and on the top of that, a spoiled brat. Of course, Maika won't accept that without a fight. They argued like idiots for almost an hour, until someone got thoroughly pissed and hung up. She can't remember who though.

What was his problem? All she did was call him and and curse him then tell him that his advice isn't working. Then why the hell did he reacted that way? She should be pissed as hell now, but surprisingly, she feels a lot better. Maybe that's what she really needed to blow off some steam. But she still cannot understand why he scolded her.

Anyway, it was he who said that whenever she feels like calling, she can call him anytime. He's her only refuge and ally. She feels like she's been thrown in the den of lions unarmed and no one was there to be with her. She's all alone, but then Bang came. He wasn't able to go down the den of lions to be literally with her but she knows he's there. Unlike the other who pretends that are there for her, literally by her side, but she cannot feel their presence.

She's not feeling good and she needs him now, but then he is acting like a stupid idiot.

Maika looked at her clock and checked the time. It was already 3am.
She smiled, then she started laughing.

She picked up her pen again, took a deep breath and started writing.


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