Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Confessions of a judgmental coed : Truth

She is LOST and she's very well aware of it.

Maika was feeling very stupid already, "who gets lost in a mall?" she muttered to herself, "let me rephrase that, how can a 20 yr old person get lost in a mall?"

She's irritated and tired. Her feet are aching, and she's getting really sleepy. Maika's been to Megamall at least a hundred times already and besides she was just there 3 weeks ago. How come everything is still very unfamiliar to her. She is just looking for one shop, one coffee shop really and it already took her one and a half hour just going around in circles.

Finally, she did the first most intelligent thing she did that day; ask directions. So after almost 2 hours of walking around with no particular direction; she finally found it.

She ordered the usual, took a sit and started texting her friends, bugging them about something unimportant. And she was getting really bored. Until he came.

It happened so fast, Maika did not noticed it until he was there standing by her side carrying his own tray. Maika looked up and she was surprised. She have been avoiding him for almost a year now, and seeing him again was like seeing him for the first time. Maika was speechless.

"Can we share?" he said pointing at the empty seat in front of her. Without waiting for her answer, he put down his tray and sat in front of her.

They were both silent for a while. Maika can't believe what is happening. She looked down, grabbed her drink and poised to stand up. But he was always faster, he grabbed her hand, "Stay", he said,

Maika wanted to go away, walk away. But her heart is screaming for her to stay and she gave in. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with sharing a table with an old acquaintance, right? It would just be a 'catching up with each other over a cup of coffee' thing. It would be harmless.

And how Maika wished she was really right.

He started talking first. He begun with the customary polite greeting and inquiries about how things have been going. Thru that, Maika found out that he and his girl are still going out. There was a sharp pang in her heart at the same time she felt relieved. At least, while knowing that he is still taken, nothing will work out.

But the flow of the conversation turned dangerously sharp.It was gearing to more intimate things, more complicated things. And memories, good and bad, came back all at once. Maika was shocked by it intensity. The supposed to be harmless friendly chit-chat is turning into something dangerous, yet exciting at the same time.

And those five words that made up one question, broke everything Maika tried so hard to build.
And those three words that made up one answer, made Maika the worse person she could ever be.

And in that 30 minutes of catching up with each other, one big decision was made and a much more bigger mistake was committed.

But Maika, for the first time, did not regret anything that happened that night.


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