Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I hate people like you...

...Too bad we're too much alike, so I hate myself too..

Currently, I am reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer and I am totally engrossed. I cannot, dare not put the book down. Meyer has this talent to captivate her readers; satisfying their thirst just to make the readers thirst for more.

I don't want to tell you the plot(too lazy) but I highly recommend it. I'll be buying the second book tomorrow, before going to the province. It is a series, 3 books are already out; 4th book is coming out on September I think.

Anyway, as some may have already noticed; my mind is not functioning properly these past few days. I cannot write a single decent thing. May it be a poem, essay or short piece crap. And it's frustrating. I want to write again. Anything just to feel that glorious feeling of being able to write something nice and worth reading.

Waa, I forgot, I'll be doing graduation letters for my friends. And believe it or not; though I am a despicable creature, I still have lots of friends to write to. And d*mN it, I don't know where and whom to start with. I think I'll just be spending this whole Lenten season reflecting, praying and writing letters.

My dear friends!! I miss you so much already!! waa!!


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