Saturday, March 08, 2008

Confessions of a judgmental coed : The truth

She tried reaching out, but they strayed farther away. She was left alone, with nothing left but memories.

"You're missing them. You're missing them so bad you can't think straight."

That's what he told her. That's what she denied.

How can she be missing them when she was badly hurt by them? She is happy and contented in what she have right now, she dare not ask for anything more. And anyway, they don't miss her too.

But she can't help but reminiscing all the times she spent with them. All the laughters, the jokes, the tears, the sugary-sweet-overly romantic stories, the stories of childhood, the times of whats in and whats not. Everything. Even the difficult times. Every memory is engraved in her mind, in her heart.


She's not missing them. Yes, that's it. She's not missing them. She just miss the happy times, the good times and all the times they were together. So its not THEM she is missing, just the times she spent with them.

She told that to him. Reasoned out. Argued. Denied. But all he replied was,

"Maika, you're not a very good liar. Why bother trying?"


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