Thursday, December 04, 2008

The reason why...

... I don't want to admit that I've already fallen is starting to show.

I get jealous of all the petty things...
I hate things and I don't even have an idea why I hate them...
I start to care much more than I should...

I hate it, err, no I don't hate it. I just don't like it a little bit more than hot drinks burning my tongue. It's not a nice feeling. It hurts like hell, and the pain lingers; it does not fade right away. And you know what's worse? On the time you need sympathy the most, there is none and no one understands. You'll start talking, and no one will even have the patience to listen.

Talking 'seriously' is something very hard for me. But I try my best. Everything may seem like a joke, but not all things can be treated as a joke. Know when to laugh, know when to shut up.

I apologize for the angst. My blog is not meant to be like this. But this is what I feel; these are my feelings translated to words. This is what I am right now. Hate it, love it, I don't give an effing damn. This is me, and if you cannot accept me as it is, then don't go to hell because I am already heading there myself.


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