Thursday, November 27, 2008

Twilight Night

Disclaimer: This is not a movie nor a book a review. Just a sort of flash back on what happened yester-night. This may contain some spoilers though, so there. =D

Yesterday, November 26, was the official opening day of Twilight movie here in the Philippines. I've read the book last year and was also able to finish reading all four books. It's a good read, it has its charm but its not as good to me as it was to others.

I love reading books, its not just a hobby for me, it is more than that. And whenever I find a good book to read, I keep reading and reading and reading it until I almost memorize all the lines of the characters. At first, it was like that with Twilight, I read it for the first time, then second, then on the third? Well, I got bored. It did not held my attention that long (unlike HP, Bourne series, Thorn birds, etc). But I still bought all four installations of Twilight just to know how Bella ended (still clumsy human? or clumsier vampire?) and also I must admit, those four books look good in my bookshelf.

I won't be giving a summary of Twilight because I know most, if not all, of you know it already. So back to the purpose of this post. Yester-night, I was invited by JR to watch Twilight with them. Oracle employees have were given free tickets for the movie, they also have the choice to bring a guest with them, I was JR's guest. THANKS SO MUCH DEAR!

The movie will be shown in Rockwell, I went with because her friend Marga, who also works in Oracle, also invited her. Rockwell was full of Oracle people and Lasalle people and I was neither. =p.

Now, onto the movie. The movie, like many other book-adaptation movies, was not as good as its book version. I expected as much as that. But the movie was okay, it was not disappointing unlike the others. Except for the 'out-of-character' Bella and the fact that almost all scenes were dominated by Edward's and Bella's closed-up faces and all you can hear are growls, sighs and heavy breathing, I enjoyed the movie and I love the girl who played 'Alice's' role. I hope she was given more exposure. =D

Surprisingly, yes surprisingly, I enjoyed the movie. I have comments, I have some things I don't like about the movie but over-all, I enjoyed it. After the show, I went to the wash-room and I can't help but overhear these set of girls talking about the movie and how OVERLY disappointed they were. Well, I believe that each of us is entitled to our own opinion, but 'OVERLY disappointed' is just a very strong word. But as I was replaying the movie in my mind, I think I have a slight idea as to why those girls said they were 'OVERLY disappointed'. It is either, they were already expecting to be disappointed even before the movie started that it magnified all the flaws of the movies or they were expecting too much, like more 'kilig' love scenes from the movie. I really don't know what's their reason, all I have are assumptions so err I don't know.=p

Luckily for me, I was not expecting anything from the movie. I just want to see those pale drop dead (literally and figuratively) vampires alive and moving. And I saw what I expected to see, I'm happy with that. One more thing, "ang kapal ko naman kung magrereklamo pa ako eh libre na nga. =p"


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