Thursday, January 19, 2006

i screw up!!

waah.. I completely screw up on my IT102 test today.='( and I feel so bad. I did an all nighter still i screwed up. I wasn't able to answer a single problem properly. Kase naman eh, apply ttruth table to our daily lives daw ba? I can't really see the connection between 3 coins and an effing truth table.='(
Anyway, my only consolation is I did well in the previous test, well, most of them anyways. And lets not include CSlec and lab there. Waah, there is something to be sad about again.='(. I relly hate link list programming. ='(.
Well, its my rest day today. I have no scheduled exams for tomorrow so I can rest my pounding head for a while. Yatta! And anyway, the last two subjects are not that difficult. Accounting and English.
Huhuhu.. Wish me luck on my IT102 and CS exams.. I dont want to fail them..=(


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