Sunday, December 28, 2008

No more sparkly vampires please...

I know... I know... I've been hooked once with Twilight but that was only for 2 weeks or so and that was one year ago. I've already gotten over it the moment I realized the Bella was lust-mistaken-love-obsessed teenager.

Some people might think that I maybe bitter over not having someone to love that is why I don't like Twilight. Anyway Twilight is for those currently-in-love, hopeless-romantics and the likes. But I am not BITTER; it's just that I've had too much. Twilight has already been over-rated its ridiculous.

I won't do a book review because many have done that already. It would just be like a SSDD thing; same-shit-different-day; BUT OH PLEASE... no more sparkly vampires.

At first I thought that I like vampires that sparkle in sunlight rather than those who spontaneously combust in it. But how wrong I was; I still like vampires who combust in sunlight, at least they seem more realistic, closer to what they were once; human.

I have nothing against Twilight fans; I was a fan once. But please DON'T FORCE ME TO LIKE and ARGUE WITH ME IF I DON'T the book nor the movie. We have our own opinion on things. I am not pressing to you my opinion. Don't press to me yours. IT'S ANNOYING.


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