Sunday, September 14, 2008

A letter...

This a letter for someone out there. Someone I can't face yet. Someone dear to me.

To whom it may concern:

Next time that you'll be asking me out, please don't bring your girlfriend with you...

I'm not the other girl. I don't want to be the other girl, not anymore. Would you please? I'm trying to move on here. That's what you asked me to do, pleaded me to do, and WHAT I NEEDED TO DO. So please stop giving me reasons to think otherwise.

I saw you in my future, and I am tryingmy best to erase that future right now. I know (because you insisted) that we can never have a future together and I understand that, I respect that. But with what you are doing right now, I'm having a hard time envisioning my future.

I can't you see you; I can't see you and her together.


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