Sunday, September 07, 2008

Win me back..

"I have nine months to win her back"-- Paolo Paraiso.

--And that is the sweetest thing I've ever heard this whole day. Was watching a local entertainment channel when I saw this headline--


--For people who don't know them, these two are celebrity couples who broke up months/years ago (i really have no idea). They had a child back then too, and that was before they broke up. Last I heard, these two are not yet in the 'lovers' mode again. So, a news like the one above is surprising.

But what I liked about this news is how Paolo reacted to the issue. He was positive. He was happy and he was uberly sweet.

Win her back again??? Most bachelors dont even have that idea crossing their minds. It only shows how resposible Paolo is. Maybe things didn't worked out for them before, but maybe this time it will.

I have no idea why I am blogging about things like this. It's just that, hearing that statement above really made my day. From a girl's point of view, hearing something like that is really sweet.

Speaking of winning back. There is something that wasn't won back today. I'm actually sort of depressed because UST wasn't able to bag the championship the UAAP cheerdance competition. But still I want to congratulate the 'gawi' dancers for making it to the 2nd place. You did your best guys! Let's hope for the better next year and WIN BACK the crown that's rightfully ours.=D

Here are the winners:

1st - UP
2nd - UST
3rd - FEU

--all universities did their best but only the three best among the best can be acknowledged. Kudos!=D


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