Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happiness is back!!!

Happiness is relative. Happiness is short-lived. Happiness has come back!!!
I just died last Tuesday. But now I'm alive again and this is a reason to celebrate!!! Woohoo!!!

I know my faults... and one of them is not being good in accepting disappointments and set-downs. Oh well, that's one difficult flaw especially for someone like me who is always do disappointing things (err not always naman). But I can cover that flaw up, because I welcome with warm hugs all little things - good things - in life. I appreciate even the simplest thing in life. A little act of kindness, a piece of candy during bad days, a shared bar of dark chocolate...

So what is this post all about you ask... It's just that these past few weeks I've been so down that even sugar-coated-chocolate-glazed-sweetly-sweet things cannot uplift my spirits. Who would've thought that one statement "Ma'am namigrate na namen completely si Benetton!" can make me giddy happy, I can get married now!!!=))

Oh happiness... You are not that elusive as I thought you were... Welcome back happiness!!! =D

Monday, January 26, 2009

Huli ka KALBO!!

Lance and Axel is back!!! Woohoo!!! And these disastrous twins are both ready to wreak some havoc again... =))

Did not expected them to be back so soon. And normally, Lance would tell me if they are planning to visit. So I was surprised last night when there were stones being thrown at my window (and no, this is not a Romeo and Juliet stone-throwing type), when I looked outside, there they were on their pajamas with a very big banner "CAN WE SLEEP WITH YOU TONIGHT?"

It so happens that their decision to go home was so short-noticed, Martin (the housekeeper) was not able to prepare their rooms for them. Actually I have no issues with them sleeping with me (I just hate it when they ransack my room and live it barely recognizable as a room.) I asked for my mom's permission if they can sleep over for the night. My mom immediately agreed but for one condition, we won't share a bed (must be because we're all grown ups now and it would seem inappropriate and not because my mom doesn't trust me), so we inflated the extra bed (for evacuees like them) and we had an instant sleep over.

I missed those too so much. We've been together since I can't remember when anymore, we share almost everything (except for clothes and shoes and whatever else), we keep no secrets from each other and many more.

We like spent almost all night catching up with each others lives, and refreshing old memories. Of course, I still have to go to office the next day. But time just flies by so fast when I'm with these two.

We talked about our lives now, our lives then and how things have changed in between now and then. What I can't forget is Axel's confession. He was already SO caught in the situation he had no way to get off this one. He was so into his stories, some details managed to slip and before he even finished his story, I screamed (surprising myself too in the process) "HULI KA KALBO! HINDE KA NA VIRGIN!!!" (Yup, Axel had this stupid urge to shave off his head... eeewwww)

Anyway back to my story, I was not that surprised really. They are boys after all. They have urges. So its okay. What disturbed me is that, they are not my boys anymore. Maybe I was too attached to them. Maybe I've become too dependent and I did not realized that one day they would slip out of my grasp.

I've seen them as boys, I always look at them as boys so I never expected to act like grown ups. Haaay.. maybe this is how a mother feels the first time her son gets a girl friend. But then again, I am not their mother. I am the best friend. Maybe I stayed in our comfort zone too long, not realizing we are already in our 20's, old enough to do stuffs.

So that's that. We were talking until 3am (so I AM SLEEP DEPRIVED!! DON'T PISS ME OFF!), despite my mom's condition that we won't be sleeping on the same bed, we still ended up sleeping in that crampy inflatable bed.

I miss my boys. I'm looking forward to going home early today just to see them again and tell them loads of stuffs. We already talked last night but I still have lots to tell. See you later dearies...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Cliché saying.. RATIFIED....

I am reposting this kase wala lang.. bakit ba? gawa ko naman toh=))


DISCLAIMER: I am not bitter! I am in love. Everything written below maybe a fact for me but not for anyone else and I mean no offense, so if someone somehow finds this post offensive, I won’t apologize. You should be responsible enough to read this disclaimer.

"If you really love someone, set him free. And if he comes back then you're meant to be"

- A cliché saying often used by wandering souls (who just had their hearts broken) for the most obvious reason; COMFORT.

A human, like you, like me, like them, like everyone else wants nothing but to be comforted whenever we just let go of someone we treasured and loved for a very long time. And oftentimes we tend to turn to any source of comfort available and within our grasp. And that is where the role of that phrase comes in. We hold on to that saying as if it were some kind of a mantra; we use that mantra to convince ourselves that what we did is the best thing to do.

It is our human nature to fight for something we want or something very precious to us. Sometimes we fight wholeheartedly with our eyes closed, and sometimes we fight lamely as if always expecting that the worse will come out. But whatever way we use to fight, most fights still end up as a losing fight and we still need to give up. And once the painful reality of losing sinks in, we resort to the last and only thing there is to do; LET GO.

But it doesn’t stop with letting go. It never stops. Coz’ once we have let go of that someone precious we were so intent on holding on to, we tend to become parasitic imbeciles, hoping that we could hold/have that someone again all the while leaving all the work up to the hands of mysterious “Mr. Destiny” and “Mr. Fate”. And then, if we don’t get what we want, we get disappointed and blame “Mr. Destiny” and “Mr. Fate”. But we should know that those two cannot do all the work we expect them to do. There are at least 10 billion people in the world and more than half of that figure also leaves everything up to “Mr. Destiny” and “Mr. Fate”. How can we expect that pair to accomplish all that hard work in one lifetime?

I think once we have let go, we shouldn’t hope for a “coming back” event/situation. Letting go is a choice accompanied by finality. It could be a step or a decision or a mistake that once committed can never be recalled.
Let’s go back to the saying, “Let him go… if he comes back…” People we let go of never come back. If we believe that they do come back then we misunderstood what coming back really means.

When one person ‘comes back’, he goes to a place he’s been before, to the person he left behind and he was gone but he was not let go of. For example, a friend who is going abroad, after four years he comes back. That is coming back. We did not let go of that friend. Because even though he’s faraway, he is still a friend and he will be back as a friend. Coming back or not, he will always remain a friend.

But when we let go (as what the phrase means), we let go because we cannot be together with that person and there is no possibility of coming back. For example, a couple breaking up, when they break up and one let goes, they cannot be called a couple anymore. And when this couple meets again, we cannot say that “he/she came back” because if we say that, it is like saying that the same person came back. But that is not true. It is not the same person anymore. It may seem like it but it doesn't feel like the same person anymore.

We let go because there is something that prevents us to keep them by our side. We let them go to enable them and us to change, grow up; so that someday when we meet them again (if only given the chance), we’ll be able to keep them for good.

If we let go, people disappear, sometimes the feelings for those people disappear too. Then, when we see them again they are already different person, we’ll be a different person. So if we meet again, we will definitely be strangers. And strangers don’t come back in our lives. And no matter how deep or great the feelings in the past is, stranger + another stranger start everything from scratch. How can there be a come back if everything is started from the very beginning? Even the feeling spark anew. Unless the fire wasn’t completely extinguished, and we cannot call that letting go.

As I said before, letting go is a choice accompanied with finality. Do not let go because it is the right thing to do. Sometimes the right thing is not the best thing. We should let go because it is what we feel. Letting go is not forced upon, it should be sincerely felt. The mind and the heart should be in sync and readied before letting go.

"If you really love someone, set him free. And if he comes back then you're meant to be" – I don’t say that this phrase is wrong, but according to my Logic teacher in high school, in an argument if one part is negative (wrong) then the whole argument must be negative (wrong). I have no right to rephrase this, but I think that saying should go like this "If you really love someone, set him free. If you meet him again then you're meant to be"

Again, as what I am repeatedly emphasizing in this post, we MEET AGAIN with people we let go as if it is the FIRST TIME WE MEET THEM. They don't come back; with letting go there is no coming back.

DISCLAIMER: I am not bitter! I am in love. Everything written below maybe a fact for me but not for anyone else and I mean no offense, so if someone somehow finds this post offensive, I won’t apologize. You should be responsible enough to read this disclaimer.


... and I don't even know what that means, or if it is even a word.
Anyway, it is somewhat sounds close to what I am thinking right now. =)

Dictionary Definition - UNKNOWN
Vetzky's Definition - a state of being so UBERLY erratic...emotionally, physically, and mentally.

And that my dear readers is the current state of my mind and body. Before, I know that my mood swings are erratic. One moment I can be like this, and the next a whole new different thing. I don't have a multiple personality disorder or whatever, and I know that I am abnormally normal. It's just that I'm erratic and that's that. Well, at least I admit that. I am an erratic person.

But now, not only my mind is erratic but my heart is too, in the truest and most literal meaning of that statement. For a minute or so, my heart will beat like any normal person's heart does, then it will beat abnormally fast the next and then slow down to almost a non-beating heart. And that is not a good sign. Though it is not that critical yet, it is still disturbing.

Haaay... so my heart is erratic too.... Now I wonder what else is erratic about me... my pancreas or liver perhaps....

LSS - Looking so stupid

There is this song, well not actually the whole song, but a part of it that is stuck in my head. Like a broken record, a pirated cd, whatever; it just keeps on playing this particular part.

And from the start
Maybe we were tryin' too hard
It's crazy coz it's breakin' our heart
Things can fall apart but I know,
That I don't want you to go

--Again dear friends, I am NOT EMO. I've gotten over that stage years ago... =). I'm happy now, see? So what if I get easily frustrated and disappointed every now and then, but that's part of life. Frustrations and disappointments add more flavor and twist and tang to our lives.

Okay, enough. I want a new LSS.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lost girl...

It's not that I don't understand what I am doing, and definitely its not that I don't like what I'm doing...

It's just I don't know if what I am doing is right or wrong....

I feel useless and worthless and whatever. It's like I've been doing my best but not really, it is not even acceptable. I feel like I can give more than what I am giving right now. I am doing things SO below standards it frustrates me.

Efficiency and effectivity for some unknown reasons eludes me. I am not aiming for perfection because in perfection there would be no more room for improvements, and I feel as if I need a BIG-BIG improvement in me.

I'm at a lost here, I don't know what to do anymore. ='(

WAAA!!! In this rate, my journey to eternal perdition is faster than I thought it would be.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


If this goes on.... Vetzky will surely be heading to BIGGER trouble....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Me hates Drama Queens...

I really hate it when other people pretend to be someone they are not. Or pretend to know something but they really have no idea of.

It's not bad to be proud of ourselves, our accomplishments. BUT what really sucks is if we are proud of something which we really don't have.

A little drama add more spice in life, but a little bit more is JUST TOO MUCH to swallow. I understand, some people are born to be drama king and queens, but please.. do the world a favor, stop LYING TOO MUCH for the sake of drama.

Didn't you know that you'll get caught in your own lies? your own drama?

Life already has its fair share of drama queens, you can take your name off its list.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

And yet...

another broken heart...

Damn it!Damn it!Damn it!Damn it!Damn it!Damn it!Damn it!Damn it!Damn it!

things you don't know won't hurt you... why didn't I think of that before asking...


Oh HELL... I can't wait to go there...

Eh kase nga...

If we want to stay 'just friends' most people think that we CANNOT exclusively date. But I think not....

We want to date, we want to go out, we want to catch up with each other's lives... hay...

Thursday, January 08, 2009

I think I have an idea...

why our friendship did not last long... well, mainly it is because of our differences...


Your's was 'MORE SUPERIOR' I guess....