Monday, January 26, 2009

Huli ka KALBO!!

Lance and Axel is back!!! Woohoo!!! And these disastrous twins are both ready to wreak some havoc again... =))

Did not expected them to be back so soon. And normally, Lance would tell me if they are planning to visit. So I was surprised last night when there were stones being thrown at my window (and no, this is not a Romeo and Juliet stone-throwing type), when I looked outside, there they were on their pajamas with a very big banner "CAN WE SLEEP WITH YOU TONIGHT?"

It so happens that their decision to go home was so short-noticed, Martin (the housekeeper) was not able to prepare their rooms for them. Actually I have no issues with them sleeping with me (I just hate it when they ransack my room and live it barely recognizable as a room.) I asked for my mom's permission if they can sleep over for the night. My mom immediately agreed but for one condition, we won't share a bed (must be because we're all grown ups now and it would seem inappropriate and not because my mom doesn't trust me), so we inflated the extra bed (for evacuees like them) and we had an instant sleep over.

I missed those too so much. We've been together since I can't remember when anymore, we share almost everything (except for clothes and shoes and whatever else), we keep no secrets from each other and many more.

We like spent almost all night catching up with each others lives, and refreshing old memories. Of course, I still have to go to office the next day. But time just flies by so fast when I'm with these two.

We talked about our lives now, our lives then and how things have changed in between now and then. What I can't forget is Axel's confession. He was already SO caught in the situation he had no way to get off this one. He was so into his stories, some details managed to slip and before he even finished his story, I screamed (surprising myself too in the process) "HULI KA KALBO! HINDE KA NA VIRGIN!!!" (Yup, Axel had this stupid urge to shave off his head... eeewwww)

Anyway back to my story, I was not that surprised really. They are boys after all. They have urges. So its okay. What disturbed me is that, they are not my boys anymore. Maybe I was too attached to them. Maybe I've become too dependent and I did not realized that one day they would slip out of my grasp.

I've seen them as boys, I always look at them as boys so I never expected to act like grown ups. Haaay.. maybe this is how a mother feels the first time her son gets a girl friend. But then again, I am not their mother. I am the best friend. Maybe I stayed in our comfort zone too long, not realizing we are already in our 20's, old enough to do stuffs.

So that's that. We were talking until 3am (so I AM SLEEP DEPRIVED!! DON'T PISS ME OFF!), despite my mom's condition that we won't be sleeping on the same bed, we still ended up sleeping in that crampy inflatable bed.

I miss my boys. I'm looking forward to going home early today just to see them again and tell them loads of stuffs. We already talked last night but I still have lots to tell. See you later dearies...


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