Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Week.. maybe month long HIATUS!!

**Warning: You must understand tagalog if you would read this post. So, Jiyo you better start looking for your English-Tagalog Dictionary now..=p**

Because of tons of projects here and there.. I'll be on a week to month long hiatus..

so here's a little something from me to you.. =)

Bukbuking Bintana

Hanggang sulyap na lang sa tuwing ikaw ay magdadaan,
Lagi na lang sumisilip sa siwang ng hagdanan.
O di kaya’y sinisipat-sipat hanggang sa mawala,
At ang tanging saksi ay ang bukbuking bintana.

Hayan na naman, ika’y muling dadaan,
Nagtatanong kung ako kaya’y iyong kakawayan.
Lihim na nananalangin na sana’y iyong Makita,
Na may isang taong nakasilip sa may bukbuking bintana.

Hanggang kaylan pa kaya ako maghihintay?
na iyong mapansin ang pag-ibig kong alay.
At kaylan mo naman kaya madadama?
Na may taong nagmamasid, mula sa bukbuking bintana.

Ngunit damdamin ng tao’y marunong ding mapagod,
Kaya ngayon sa bintana’y nais ko ng tumalikod.
Dahil nakakasawa nang maghintay sa wala,
Kailangan ko nang isara ang bukbuking bintana.

At ngayon, tuluyan na ngang naipinid,
Pero bakit hinde ko pa rin mapigilang maisip
Na sana’y iyong mapansing lumisan na,
Ang taong dati’y nakasilip sa may bukbuking bintana.


..Hmm.. I think I've written this crap for my Rizal Course when I was in my Freshman year.. It kind of reflected my love-life status at that time.. Me, pining for Francis (for 5 effing years already), with all those mush and everything.. Just wanna share it with you guys before I bury myself alive under piles of schoolwork.. Its crappy I know, but hey.. This is an achievement for me.. I always hate Filipino subjects.. Don't know why but I sucked at Filipino.. So its hard, I mean, REALLY HARD for me to come up with something written in my native language.. Yeah, yeah, I know,, you could sue me for this, I am a 'SELF-PROCLAIMED, FULL-PLEDGED, FULL-BLOODED' Filipino, and yet I cant write or even speak in my native language fluently.. If you have the time, pay attention when I pronounce the word "trabaho"(WORK,JOB) and you'll see what I mean..

Actually, I've put into consideration taking special classes in Filipino and I've been considering it a lot.. But my pride always hinders me from pursuing that consideration.. It is really embarrassing, I tell you.. So what should I do guys?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


"What if some IDIOT invents an end for FOREVER?"

According to dear ol' Mr. Webster,

FOREVER means;
1. without ever ending; eternally.
2. continually; incessantly; always.
1. an endless or seemingly endless period of time.

Based on the meaning, the word forever is already in its superlative form, why? because it is already in its infinite state.

So, what if someone promised you,

"I'll love you forever and a day more"

then does that sentence already surpassed superlative? How do you count forever and a day anyway? And could someone really love a person for that long?

I've been falling in and out of love constantly, sometimes I even mistake my infatuation for love. Of course, the love I feel for my family is different from the love I have for my friends and a whole lot different from the love I have for that someone.. uhm.. I love..

Falling in love with someone other than my family and friends is something I've constantly done before. I fall easily, just make me feel that I am special. But not anymore.

Like in a falling object, when something falls so fast from a considerable height, with no one or nothing to catch it when it hits the ground it may either be crushed to millions of tiny pieces or it may survive the fall but one thing's for sure, when it hits the ground with the impact so fast, the pain would be excruciating. But if the falling down is slow, whether someone would catch it or not, pain would still be present but not as painful as falling down with fast impact.

So, now I prefer to fall more slowly. I might get hurt in the end, I know that but at least it wont be as painful as falling so fast. Because falling slowly, I can put many things into considerations, think about them, deliberate, reflect and if I find the falling not worthy, I would still have time to ready myself, soften the blow or call for help.

I was normally a risk taker, and I would still be. But as of now, I think I have taken too much risks than what I can afford, so for now, I would have to lie-low on taking risks or I might regret something in the end.

Now, back to the "I'll love you FOREVER and a DAY"..

So what if this sentence has surpassed its superlative form? I can see nothing wrong with that. Because if someone can love us longer that forever, then that would be great. How I wanted to be loved as long as that... As long as eternity..

I think, someone could really love a person for that long.. Especially, if the falling into that love took a long time.. Points were considered, problems were reflected on and solutions were provided. It may have taken a long time, but the foundation built is strong for sure.. And with strong foundation, Forever and a day is possible..

Sunday, February 18, 2007

On Flirting...

"Who needs boyfriends if it keeps you from flirting?:P"

Everyone are born flirts. There are the Natural flirts, harmless flirts, indifferent flirts, discrete flirts and of course the nasty flirts.

Now, let me state my theories on their differences.

For Natural Flirts;

These are the kind of flirts who are inborn with flirtatious guiles. There is an art for flirtation and it needs to be learned. These natural flirts do not need any lessons on this kind of art. They have already mastered it even before they were born. Every action they make, every word the say it is an expression of flirtation, and it can either be on purpose or not.

For Harmless Flirts;

Every human being is a sociable creature. It is in our nature to socialize with others. We do that in order to either gain their favor ar their attention. And in order to socialize with other individuals, one must know how to flirt. Because flirting is a way to mingle with others. But unlike Natural flirts these harmless flirts still have to study the proper decorum in flirting. Or else their harmless flirtation may bother to being nasty and disturbing.

For Indifferent FLirts;

Indifferent Flirts, are the kinds of flirts who are already bordering from harmless flirtation to nasty flirtation but doesn't give a damn. Like Natural flirts, flirting for them is part of their system but whether it is harmless or not, they don't care. They don't also care for the outcome of their flirting and that makes them indifferent.

For Discrete Flirts;

Ever heard "nasa loob ang kulo", these flirts are the perfect example for that phrase. They have already mastered the art of discrete flirting, wherein they are already flirting but their preys don't notice until they have already fallen for the trap. These discrete flirts are the best, because they can be a combination of all the kinds of flirts. They can either be natural, harmless, or indifferent. That makes them exceptional.

For Nasty Flirts;

Do I need to say more? Nasty flirts are erm, well,, hmm,, NASTY flirts. They flirt day-in day-out, open to public and with no hint of discretion. These kind of flirts are the kind that is often misjudged and hated.

Uhm.. Well, everything I've mentioned above are just my theories. And they may not be proven theories for that matter so please don't sue me. It is just based on my own judgment.

So, what kind of flirt are you? =)

*note: SHIN I'M SO SORRY!!!*

Thursday, February 01, 2007

constantly changing..

"nothing is permanent in this world, except change"

Hmm.. I've forgotten who quoted that.. but I think, that is the most used, most cliche, and most abused line there is today..

People often use this as an excuse, sometimes valid but often times, as a DUMB excuse. And I, dear readers, is as guilty as charged. Everytime people commented on how much I've changed, both positive and negative but most of the time negative, I always use the excuse, "nothing is permanent in this world, except change".. Well its true isn't it? People, things, places, heck even animals, constantly change.. My only bad is, its so hard for me to accept the fact that I've changed that much.. So, what if I'm not the "f*cked" up person that I used to be? and I am the more "f*cked" up person now? Where is the big change in that? See? I'm in the defensive side again, and after sometime I'll be using that cliche line again..

People do change, their attitudes, their beliefs, the way they treat people, but that doesn't mean that they are not the same person we used to know.. They are still the same person, the same changed person though.. But that doesn't give us an excuse to change our ways everytime.. We do not have to change constantly just to please everyone, because WE JUST CANNOT PLEASE EVERYONE!! that is so impossible.. People who don't appreciate us and expect us to undergo changes for them are idiots.. They may mean no harm.. But since we all are naturally social creatures, unconsciously we want to change just for their sake.. And once we have pleased them.. then we start displeasing others and the cycle goes on.. and that is where the unending and constant changes begin.. see where change comes from? not because it is the only thing permanent but because of our desire to try to please everyone..

Before.. I was also like that.. But not anymore.. Now, I change because I want all of you to see the real me.. Without pretenses, without my facade.. Just the real yvette.. Based on my super previous posts.. I always say that I've changed, I'm changing or I want to change, but it is just now that I realized that, I dont want to change, i am not changing and I never changed.. I just want to go back to who I really was, before I changed into someone else..

And that is what everyone calls maturity.. hahaha.. finally, I can proudly say that I have boldly taken the first to step to maturity.. dont ask why just now.. at least I took the step.. Yey!! Yvette Indiongco is finally turning into a LADY.. FINALLY!=)