Saturday, April 16, 2005


yeah.. im already addicted to coffee.. im already hopeless.. and im one hell of an insomniac.. im really tired.. woke up today at around 8:30 am just to catch 'Marmalade Boy'.. yeap.. another anime flick.. im really hopeless.. im a caffeine dependent and an immature girl at the same time.. then i went to school to meet my bestfriend in the whole wide world.. diane.. but i guess.. we're just not meant to meet today.. so i didn't see her.. anyway.. i meet up with my classmates.. we ate lunch together and then i waited for them until 3pm.. so.. from 1-3 i was with jhapi and ryan.. woohoo!! bonding with boys.. im really one of the boys now.. =p.. anyway.. i was really tired.. but hell!! i can't sleep.. joseph called again.. he's getting freakier by the moment.. believe me.. he must've lost his mind when he lost his memories.. honestly.. he's starting to scare me.. i'm not used to having my bestfriend speaking his mind so openly.. he's giving me the creeps.. waah.. aya must be angry with me.. i made joseph promise only bcoz i wanted him to be there for me.. if he can.. not the one he is offering now.. ohmigod.. help me lord.. i need all the help i can get.. now.. i'm also confused.. i really.. no.. we really hae to sort out our feelings.. but i am 100% sure.. what i feel for him exceeds normal friendship but still purely friendship.. gets?? anyway.. how can i face him tomorrow?? might as well go home early and lock up in my room.. yay!! i'm such a coward..


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