Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm trying my best here...

I've given up on you...

I think, twice is enough to make me realize that you are not ONE BIT interested in me; that you don't feel the same way I feel. Waiting in vain is still waiting in vain no matter how much one hopes for something to happen. The end will still be the same, actually there'll be no end. It will be like falling into an eternal abyss, waiting, waiting, and still waiting.

So now, I've made up my mind. I've decided to stop before it will be too late to stop. Stopping now, when the damage has been done is a lot better than stopping later when the damage would be irreparable.

Yes,I am already damaged. From all the things you did, all the things you did not said; I'm completely damaged now. But I never once believed that that damage would be irreparable. I can still stand up, I can still heal, I can still be complete again; not new, not perfect but still complete.

I'm trying my bestest best to be me again. I'm trying my best to move on. I don't want to stay feeling like this. It's effing effable (if there is such a term/phrase/whatever.)

I am so frustrated with myself right now. I want him. I want him by my side. I want him to be mine. But I can't... He can't... We can never be.. ='(

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

day 5 and 6 : still catching up.....

Day 5: Yesterday's yesterday
  • I made someone (well there's actually two of them) HAPPY. =) or so they say.
Day 6: Yesterday
  • oh no!!! I can't find something that made me happy in this day....

Monday, February 09, 2009

Day 4 :(which was supposed to be yesterday)

Day 4: New phone YAY!!!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

What do you do...

...if you have a friend who CAN'T FIND the time to go out with you?

KILL HER AND HER BOYFRIEND!!! Just kidding.. =p

It's just that, they are together almost whole week and I am just asking for 1 day, not even a whole day, and she would always find an excuse to say no. It's so frustrating. =(.. I miss her so much and yet I can't see her. I want, no I need to tell her a lot of things but she always have no time to listen... what the eff?!?!

Day 3: Still tagging the same people...

Day 3: *hibernated* ALL DAY!!! WOOHOO!! I missed that.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Day 2: I tag the same persons..

Day 2: Dinner with Ralph, Jhapi and EZ. Memorable night.. =).. weee

Thursday, February 05, 2009

I tag Ajong, Anne, Pakner, Marj, Jhapi, EZ, Carleen, and Inan

I got tagged!

Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
Do this everyday for 8 days without fail
Tag 8 of your friends to do the same.

***Hmm.. let's see, let's see..

Day 1: Thursday
I heard this ad from the radio "Looking for 500 durex condom testers...." so they place that kind of thing in radio ads pala...

Bohol is love


Yay, the long-planned-always-cancelled bohol trip finally pushed thru... (more details later *tinatamad na ako* =p)